100€ strafe?

Hallo, ich habe mit ein paar Freunden Mist gebaut und zwar habe ich von einem Lehrer Spaß es Mäppchen mitgenommen und wollte ihm das am nächsten Tag direkt wiedergeben. Nur ein paar Freunde haben teure Stifte davon weggeschmissen und zwar einmal in 80 € Stift in einem an 20 € Stift bei dem 80 € Stift ist alles gut mit ihm zurück gefunden. Haben 20 € Stift nur nicht belehre mich jetzt 100 € für diesen Stift haben für wegen persönliche Erinnerungen Und wie sollen wir dass unsere Mutter erklären? Und was für strafen wären fair wie sind alle 13 wenn es euch weiterhilft

bitte hilfe

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1 year ago

Basically, it’s theft. If you get the right one, you have a problem. You should sacrifice your pocket money and clean it up.

I wouldn’t say anything to your mother. Repurchase the lost pens and make sure your comrades distract your teacher or keep it in check so that you can reset the case. You can get the money back from your compatriots. But it’s better to do it first in the aftermath.

Besides, you should work on your spelling, you hardly understand.

1 year ago
Reply to  SEKschulz

Couple is already back and he wants either 100€ or exactly his pencil

1 year ago

That’s understandable. I would accept the offer!!! Theoretically, he could’ve told you. Take some of your savings and pay for it. Put the money out and get the costs proportionally back from your comrades. Surely he can punish you badly with a “money” like the police or the local court, but this is more about damages. And for not going to the police or to the Rector and counting you there, you should see and accept that as a deal.

1 year ago

Give him the 100€ and let it be a lesson.

1 year ago

Give him the 100€ and let it be a lesson.

1 year ago

He’s not the police! He can’t give you any fines before he doesn’t laminate the police, and even if the fine gives the police! So in that case you don’t have to pay.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lavendel311

If you don’t understand, you don’t have to answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Oponn

As far as I know, the 13 were not yet criminal. So the director can possibly say that you should buy, or as much as he was worth giving money, but extra humming because he was a family remembrance seems to me funny. What’s he doing with the rest? Is there anything? So unnecessary. Evt. 5 to 15 euro, no more.

1 year ago

As I said, you don’t have to answer if you don’t understand.

1 year ago

You’re 13 and you should have known that it’s a really stupid joke. You have committed a thief athlete and can be happy if you don’t get punishment from school. First talk to your parents.

1 year ago

blurred and barely understandable text from which you are not smart.

with 13 criminals, but a fat disciplinary sentence about the school and of the elders is more than appropriate.

who does not learn that theft is criminal, he will never find foot in the right life and then gets to the real “slee” by 14

1 year ago
Reply to  noname68

On the blur (!!) I also wanted to enter the text, but then I left it with my close answer.

1 year ago

The “help” is only that your HOFFENTLICH will soon draw your teachings out of such stupidity!!

1 year ago
Reply to  paulklaus

Oh, please!

1 year ago

Normally, this is already a case for the director plus talks with the parents of the pupils who tapped the crap.

So would then run out to criminal sermon plus reparation plus possible reference (and then the individual punishments at home by the parents).

Yes, pens can be really very expensive. Grade teachers do not buy each single pen in the supermarket or cheap shop.

What you’ve done was not a “funny” but a mutant theft. Whether you want to return it after a few minutes or an hour or the next day.

I think it’s going to run out on a teacher-parent conversation.

First of all, to prevent you from doing that shit again at some point, and then you’re stuck in a much bigger shot.