100€ gefunden, was tun?

Hi also war heute mit kollegen in netto und haben 100€ auf dem boden gefunden. Ich dachte zu erst es wäre meins da ich auch 100er dabei hatte. Dann stellte sich fest, dass es doch nicht meins war. Ich gab es bei der kasse ab und die nahmen es einfach und wollten dass ich meinen namen + telefon nummer rauf schreibe ohne jegliche Erklärung. Wisst ihr vlt warum? und was dann mit dem Geld passiert?

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2 years ago

They also have a Christmas fund.

2 years ago

They can also not do much, they can only wait for someone to report and ask if someone has found 100 € and has given it.

If I were to be honest, I would have kept the €100 and left the store quickly.

2 years ago
Reply to  MightyKing

This is your decision, you can think that if a 100 € loses on the net that everyone can have been. Then why should I leave them, that’s a lucky day for me. Three garbage men once found a million in the trash, and they’ve done it, and I’m just gonna grab my head. Recently, at Ebay someone bought a cupboard, there were $1,000 in a secret box, he returned the seller, it was an older lady who hadn’t even known that she had even hidden $1,000. I don’t think about it anymore.

2 years ago

Finder reward, thank you etc.