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3 months ago

The server you download is not faster just because you have a faster Internet connection. If you just want to know if your internet connection reaches the booked speed, you can make a speed test as suggested by LottoOtto. If it fits what I guess, it’s the download server. What else would it be if you changed from VDSL to cable internet, where, when many surf or stream, the download rates will collapse regularly.

3 months ago

How is that possible?

… e.g. by being connected via Wi-Fi and basically using WLAN your internet connection and the Wi-Fi has completely excited, but any increase in the speed of your internet connection can have no effect on the download rate, as your Wi-Fi (at the place of download) no longer produces. But this is also just a speculation, because your question lacks any technical details to have a solid basis for problem analysis.

3 months ago

Your provider is then the problem in most cases.

But it may also be that of the server on which you just load or possibly load down. is even throttled and is no longer possible.

Depends on it.

With ner 1000er leitung 100-120 download is possible or realistic when it is the server.