1000 Euro Geburtstag?
Findet ihr es viel, wenn ein Jugendlicher (16-18 Jahre) ein Geschenk im Wert von 1000 EUR zum Geburtstag bekommt?
Findet ihr es viel, wenn ein Jugendlicher (16-18 Jahre) ein Geschenk im Wert von 1000 EUR zum Geburtstag bekommt?
Hallo. Mein jüngerer Bruder wird am 16.01. 15 Jahre alt und die gesamte Familie hat keinen Plan, was wir ihm schenken können. Er wünscht sich immer das teuerste wie Laptop, Play Station etc.. Ist nur leider bei uns nicht drin. Immer wenn ich ihn frage, was er sich wünscht, antwortet er mit keine Ahnung oder…
Ich verdiene mein eigenes Geld, bin erwachsen und kann physisch gut für mich sorgen. Aber da ist dieser riesige Schmerz. Die Einsamkeit. Die Suche nach einem Zuhause. Meine Mutter ist schizophren und hat mich oft schlecht behandelt. Meine Beziehungen scheitern an ungelösten Kindheitskonflikten. Ich wünsche mir so sehr eine Familie. Jemanden, dem ich zum Geburtstag…
Guten Tag, eine Frage an die kreativen Leute unter euch, zu denen ich leider nicht gehöre. Wir wichteln mal wieder, das diesjährige Thema ist “Alle guten Dinge sind drei” im Wert von bis zu 20 €. Hat jemand eine Idee was man wichteln könnte ?😅 Danke euch
When I grow up and have children, would it make more sense to live down there, in southern Europe? I think children there would have a much better childhood; they wouldn't be so busy with their cell phones and would simply have a childhood. I don't want to say that children here don't have a…
Wo bekommt man die günstigsten Tickets für das Disneyland? Gibt es Familientickets und Mehrtagestickets für weniger Geld?
Yeah, I think that’s a lot.
Of course, it always depends on the financial situation of the family, but if that’s not a “multi-millionaire” I think that’s a lot. A Freudnin of mine got a new car from an expensive brand on the 18th, but the family is also rich. It is therefore necessary to consider this in the context of family finances.
Ok, my parents were there possibly the other extreme, there was always only something for 50€ (although they could have afforded a little more) plus 20€ and 50€ from the grandparents, but that’s how to keep a relationship to the money. If we wanted something more expensive, we had to pay the difference ourselves.
A teenager should learn to deal with money and understand how much that is. Many lack this insight, however, when such gifts are normal for them, because they mean that it is normal to give such sums away.
Yes, definitely
If he wants this expensive, he should buy himself and save for
This is definitely an ordinary sum, but it also depends on the relationship. If you’re close to someone or it’s a special event, that could fit. But ultimately, the gesture and the meaning behind it counts more than the value of money. 🤍
I find a lot, have always received about 100 EUR.
This always depends on the financial situation of the people who give so much to a young man who is then full-year.
People who have not learned from small to small, that you can also enjoy gifts that can cost less, who will certainly have problems if they themselves deserve less money and have to pay with little.
Depends on the financial circumstances within the family society.
For me, it would be an absolute nogo. Although I’m well-funded.
It would be paradox for poorer conditions.
The other way around, you come out of a lot of conditions, I guess that’s going well.
If you come out of supreme circumstances, I would complain why so little.
If you have the option then yes. And that doesn’t hurt in the pocket.
Too much even for the 18th birthday, which I think is one of the most special.
Yeah, a lot to not say too much.
Yeah, much too much. You don’t learn how to deal with money.
Too much I find