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1 month ago

One could easily force the large and greedy food companies into their knees by consistently laying the expensive foods and moving them to the low-priced own brands. But as long as people are ready to buy the expensive brands, price increases will not stop. I drove a food manager from a congress 30 kilometers through the night with my taxi two years ago. He’s been a little foolish and honest. I asked him if he could tell me why the foods are becoming more and more expensive. He laughed at me (or out?) and said to me, “Good woman, we have to earn something. ‘
The poor are getting poorer and the rich, but well, we know the saying… It is ultimately up to us consumers to what extent we are taking this circus. What do you think would happen if we weren’t going to tank or shopping every two days and afterwards, once a week, would only buy the most necessary and the most affordable. The corporations would quickly stop their high altitude flight. Unfortunately, I am not active in social media, but if you want something to change, then these ideas continue to spread into our interest. Thank you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Angelface638

Aldi’s own brand has also become drastically more expensive, as I noticed today. A month ago the price for a table (100 grams) milk chocolate was still at 69 cents, today at 99 cents.

2 months ago

In Austria it costs 50% more. Price increases are normal when the economy is bad. Beer prices increase in drought times. But we have long lived in times of “fertilization”. Often, prices are increased without reason and without need to get even more money.

LG 👍

2 months ago
Reply to  Muscimol

Cocoa prices have risen sharply in the world market. Incidentally, what the market produces is taken. If consumers accept the prices, they will take them (see the whole “Dubai” shit).

2 months ago

EDEKA also had Zoff with a confectionery manufacturer (I think it was Mars) because of the price, and its products simply removed from the assortment.

1 month ago

Not only with Aldi. Also at Edeka, Rossmann, Lidl, Net…..(😫 ), allegedly due to failures in cocoa harvest…

2 months ago

Manufacturers and shop make the prices. The cost of raw materials and salaries is rising from inflation.

2 months ago
Reply to  TropicalNights

What do you mean? Everything has become more expensive. You don’t know how far and when production costs have risen.

2 months ago

Is that so expensive?

I’ve already been crying out at the last recipe change. Since then, I don’t like them anymore. I usually paid 69 cents at that time.

2 months ago

Nice, and now? In the country of sale and rewe are considerably cheaper.

I only buy if they are on offer for a euro.

2 months ago

Moneymaking episode Energy

2 months ago


tja I got up with some tables at an offer price of 0.69 euros just before Christmas.