10 Milliarden Steuergelder für 3000 Personen. Guter Deal?
Intel bekommt 10 Milliarden Euros vom Steuerzahler damit die in D ein Werk bauen (wird kein Forschungsstandort). Dort sollen dann 3000 Personen arbeiten, also Förderung über 3.3 Mio pro Arbeitsplatz. Guter Deal?
Beispiel: Bei 10.000 Euro Einkommensteuer pro Jahr (45K Brutto), wäre das Geld nach 330 Jahren zurückerwirtschaftet.
How much the likelihood that China is falling over Taiwan? Depends much on the outcome of the Ukraine war, yet I think that there is a war in the long term. Since Germany does not have a factory for chip production of high-performance chips at the level, a war in Taiwan is really problematic here. This from an economic point of view.
I believe that the high level of funding is a large part of the “supply security guarantee” and less at purely economic level. Therefore, the money alone for the jobs is absolutely overcrowded. If you take into account the security of supply, it looks different. This is the price that Germany has to pay when war is once again becoming a means of achieving demand. Destabilizing world order is associated with high costs.
So, good deal when China is in Taiwan over the next few years. Bad deal if this doesn’t happen.
I hope this was a bad deal!
We have seen what happens when no chips are delivered for the automotive industry. There the bands stand still. Your bill is a dairy girl bill and does not even take into account the trade tax, let alone the global entanglements and dependencies.
We already have the most subsidized Infineon. Intel has hardly anything to do with automotive engineering. Our cars don’t want anyone anymore. The train’s gone.
You can have that opinion. In its keynote 2021, Intel’s CEO clearly stated that they are specifically targeting automotive customers with the plant in Europe. In the case of around 5 % of the automobile industry’s GDP, an investment is nevertheless sensible. The whole of the jobs to be written off is not a good thing.
Germany is the world’s most unattractive production site! If this is to be done by IRGENDJEMAND, it will only go beyond subsidies. Intel would otherwise have settled on the Maldives, North Korea or Saudi Arabia.
Everyone knows that the money for the subsidies never comes back. This is just a slightly larger job creation measure
Recently, there was a global chip crisis because cryptohype, corona, playstation release and some other came together. At the moment there are more than enough chips and this will increase with another work. As with Infineon’s ram bars, which were top quality, but there was no need at that time. As long as there are current 6 core processors for under 100€, son chipwerk will not earn money in Germany.
I can’t say if it’s a good deal.
Have you ever thought that the components are being sold?
If the company wins 1 billion euros in the first year, in the 2nd because fewer committee is produced, already 2 billion, etc. … go ahead.
The location will never land in the profit zone on the paper – they would have to pay taxes and they do not want to.
So what? 3000 people have direct work, to come services …
The State thus saves a lot of social benefits and compensates for tax losses.
Subsidies are like drugs. Feels good in the short term and leads to problems in the long term. You have to take the money away from others. And in the area there is the problem of subsidies. Making Germany via subsidies “attractive” is a very bad idea.
Like the deal was about jobs.
This is supposed to attract companies to us. At 3,000 jobs, the state pays decent wages and income tax. In addition, the trade tax and taxes incurred for an enterprise are included.
If the company runs well and makes good profits, then this effort is calculated. 10 billion sounds very high. The company sells its product and with this product will be made another profit.
I think this money is well invested. How long it takes for these 10 billion to return to the State Treasury, you can’t say exactly.
In any case better to make the chips in your own country than in China.
To make Germany attractive again for foreign companies should have the highest priority.
These 10 billion are an investment in the future.
By punching chips from the tape? There is no research there, I wrote it extra ^^
do you know in chip production?
How is the carrier material created, how do you get millions of transistors, resistors, diodes on such a wafer? How is such a wafer divided into individual chips? How are the chips placed in a housing (plastic or ceramic), who connects the bonding points of the chip to the “bees” of a circuit?
How to check the correct function of the electronic circuit?
You call this all baggage?
You know how expensive and expensive the chip production is?
This is about more than just a few chips.
Sure, the most important part is being built here around the corner in Oberkochen – the optics and Bragg reflectors by Carl Zeiss SMT
The laser also comes from the German company -> Trumpf
Lord throw brains out of heaven.
Production comes from the band. You think of anno in 1970. ^^
Had a location here years ago and closed. Germany is not worth it. Germany cannot be IT. 😀
AMD is fabless…
And does AMD have its own works? No. They’re letting everything go from the band at TSMC.
Congratulations. No AMD without TSMC. If China is attacking, these market shares do not matter. What do you think AMD is so good about lithography? They’re not Intel. They don’t have to invest billions in their own production lines… These insights should be done before you try to talk Intel badly. This has nothing to do with ‘Intel Fanboy’, which is simply the reality.
AMD has already escaped from Deuschland. AMD launches Intel’s market shares xD
It is about the location in DE and also about attracting other companies.
The plants are finished. Come from ASML from Holland etc. Nix is built by Germany. hihi
Haha 45k Gross in Fab bei intel
In addition, we are much too dependent on TSMC, because every European location is welcome, even if it is expensive at first.
That’s the wrong jungle. Right here:
TSMC is in Taiwan. Most of the chip production for high end devices takes place there. When China attacks, it was for us.
Europe has nothing. Intel is a first step. Don’t worry about it.
If a location would make sense, you wouldn’t have to lure so much money.
What company wants to open up here just to work under the tax burden and the diversity clause? No one with mind.