1 Tag nach Erbrechen Eis?
hey, gestern habe ich mich leider übergeben müssen 2mal, der Rest war dann Säure. Ich habe jetzt Appetit auf ein Eis gekriegt, denkt ihr 1 Tag nach Erbrechen, das da ein Wassereis (Dolomiti) okay ist?
hey, gestern habe ich mich leider übergeben müssen 2mal, der Rest war dann Säure. Ich habe jetzt Appetit auf ein Eis gekriegt, denkt ihr 1 Tag nach Erbrechen, das da ein Wassereis (Dolomiti) okay ist?
Ich will 48kg wiegen ich essen so viel ich habe eben einfach wieder was gegessen. HILFE ICH WILL NICHTS MEHR ESSEN !!!!!
Nehme ich jetzt zu?
also Katzen Futter : Huhn nassfutter , Lachs Soße drüber
Wer liebt auch hafermilch?🥲
Have you been bad today? Still abdominal pain?
In the end, you have to consider that vomiting or diarrhea are just the emergency reaction of your body to get rid of pathogens or toxic substances as quickly as possible. If you then refill non-toxic, so to speak, this is not bad per se, it may only give your body the opportunity to separate more volume together with the actually harmful substance.
If your body doesn’t make any more institutions, give it a little quick and you have appetite for it, I would try it. You can eat the first half and park the second in the freezer and after 30-60 minutes everything has remained quiet, you can enjoy the second half.
If you feel good today, I don’t think a water ice cream will hurt.
Do you know that through your own experience or…?
Why would I try it? I said yes, I think so. A water ice cream consists mainly of water and sugar.
If you don’t want it or you’re scared, just leave it.
It’s unhealthy.
I don’t trust you
Huh? Water ice is unhealthy, is a fact.
Right, pure chemistry with sugar.
No, it’s not. And secondly, it’s on her question. If you’ve vomited, it’s an indication of an unhealthy way of life. But you just believe what you want.
Yes, everything is unhealthy!!!! But I asked a completely different question
Why not? Of course you can eat ice cream.