1 sekunde aufm Grund des Marianengraben teleportieren?
Ihr seid gerade da wo ihr halt momentan seid, dann schwups seid ihr 1 sekunde unten auf dem tiefsten grund und kommt nach der millisekunde wieder zurück. Was würde passieren? gruselig irgendwie, hatte davon einen alptraum.
The pressure conditions inevitably lead to implosion… the body is torn within milliseconds.
You would also have been crushed in a millisecond to unmistakableness.
Unless you sit in a safe mini submarine of OceanGate…
I don’t think much would happen. The inertia of the water prevents you from seeing something from pressure in this short time and your brain does not register this short change at all. So I’m not sure you’d notice that.
I wouldn’t get any of this because a millisecond is so short that every blinker lasts longer.