1.Psychatrie und 2.Essstörung?
1.Ich muss in eine Klinik und meine Therapeutin meinte,dass eine psychosomatische Klinik “besser” wäre um meine Depressionen,Essstörung,Soziale Angst und PTBS(nicht stark!) zu behandeln.Aber ich habe auch Suizidgedanken und habe mich vor 10 Tagen noch jeden Tag selbst verletzt(hab damit aufgehört!).Aufgrund dessen meinte die Ärztin zu meiner Mutter das ich in eine Psychatrie(KJP)muss was an sich oke ist aber so krass sind meine suizidgedanken nicht und sie sind selten aber halt da und das weiß meine Mutter auch.Auf der Überweisung steht aber jetzt Psychatrie(KJP) gilt die Überweisung jetzt nur für die Psychatrie(KJP) oder für jede Klinik?
2.Und andere Frage:Wird in der Psychatrie (KJP)die Essstörung so krass behandelt wie in einer Schönklinik oder so?Also kann ich dort auch weiterhin abnehmen ohne das die das bemerken,weil die sich evlt eher um dke gedanken und anderen Diagnosen kümmern?
“So I can continue to lose weight there without the one who notice it”
If you’re not collaborative now and don’t show a sense of illness, leave the place to someone who wants to work constructively with it…
And no, they’re not stupid.If You are in treatment because of masculine addiction, which of course also have ways to keep under control and teach you in parallel,again to gain a healthy relationship to weight and food.
You misunderstood I want to be healthy! my question was if dke treated it.
I’m sorry
Well, sorry I misunderstood you. Yes, they will monitor this accordingly – in the sense of your self-protection.
I think, given your many problems, a stationary stay is very useful. I wish you a good and lasting recovery.:)
Oke Thank you.Because of atypical anorexie there(have no underweight)
What do you want in a KK if you don’t really want to help you? Once noticed at the outskirts – such a stationary stay costs the insured community a lot of money – which you intend to “burn” …. do you find that fair?
The fact is – there would also be a question of your desire – hopefully with long-term success.
Sorry put me wrong.I meant that almost ironic or something.I wanted to know if they also treat it or leave me behind almost alone.
Thank you.
That’s just like your therapist.
I think you’re better off at a clinic.
Maybe you’ll talk to your doctor/mother again that you’re going to the beautiful clinic. She has a good reputation.
Ok. Thank you
You will try to treat all your diseases. Of course, how well this is implemented comes to the clinic. I was in a psychosomatic clinic because of depression, but was regularly weighed because of my unusually low BMI, although I have no eating disorder.
I’ll give you some information on two videos from a therapist. The video titles are