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I’d do a job.
I don’t want to give it if I had to hop on 3x, I’d say that I don’t keep his little money, I’ll get enough money anyway that I don’t need 1mio.
You do a job
Clever suckers, never get a job
How you’re mad because you have less money than me, although you’re 3x old.
Are really funny, thanks for the show
I don’t know why I should.
I have more money than you have with 40 😆
You are not important
Take you to the bottom of reality
I would not do anything for money, which I do not even without money (except go to work ..).
I wouldn’t want to have a million as soon as a person has control over me.
Even if he was strange to me and gave it to me, only so that I have to remember forever that my happiness was dependent on him.
King answer. I look just like
I wouldn’t give my job for it and my heels and boots collection 🙂
There are “things” I would do in life for no money in the world.
I would never kill an animal or human for it
Do you eat animals?
I’m a vegetarian, but if I eat well and there’s nothing else I eat meat.
I couldn’t get it over my heart to kill someone, whether human or animal.
touch a rat
I’ll take two – one for you. Okay?
I don’t know, so I don’t have the question. XD
And if: I wouldn’t do a whole lot for it!