1. Mal kiffen?


Ich will demnächst mein erstes Mal mit einem guten Freund kiffen. Unser Plan ist es mindestens 6 Stunden lang rauszugehen und dort auch zu konsumieren, sodass wenn wir nachhause kommen die Wirkung vorbei ist. Meine Frage: Merken meine Eltern, dass ich gekifft habe (nach 2-3 Stunden nach Ende der Wirkung)? Dass man es auch nicht an unseren Klamotten riecht, nehmen wir Deo mit und tragen dieses auch auf.

Merken Sie es vielleicht an unseren Klamotten, trotz draußen kiffen + viel Deo und auch lange draußen sein?

Ich weiß, Drogen zu konsumieren ist schlecht.

Danke an alle vernünftigen Antworten im voraus.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

On the way: Drug use is always associated with certain risks. These risks are often particularly pronounced in childhood, where the body (incl. brain) has not yet grown and one is in the middle of puberty. It would be better to dispense with drug use during this stage of life.

When you consume, there are a few things to consider regardless of age. So you should not consume if you are not good at a physical, mental or emotional. And only in a place where you feel comfortable and undisturbed and only with people you understand.

Besides, you should always take care of this. It is not a competition and if you exaggerate it, you are yourself who must bear the consequences of it. One, two trains are enough for the beginning—can even be too much. The effect then begins within minutes, but it can take well half an hour until the effects reach their full intensity.

Many users stress unnecessarily due to completely normal side effects. An increased heartbeat is normal and can be perceived in the high. However, cannabis is largely harmless for the body. You usually don’t get crazy and the condition doesn’t last forever, even if the substance wants to make it happen to you. The effect lasts a few hours and then it goes back.

Here you can learn more about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption:

1 year ago

I know eating drugs is bad.

Wrong. Bad is always only if you commit mistakes in drug use that you could have avoided.

The most important basic rule for beginners is not to overdo the number of inhalation trains. In concrete terms, you should not take more than one to two trains and then wait 20-30 minutes to see if and what effect occurs.

Fear of discovery is not a good companion for the first time. Your parents will surely perceive the eye-catching deo smell to you and ask why you are doing so.
There’s nothing to smell at the clothes from the cannabis afterwards when you smoke outside in the fresh air.

Reading for beginners: “Rauschzeichen” by Wurth and Geyer.

1 year ago

I’d never judge you for ciffing, that’s all.

Well, I might not just try to talk to your parents about important issues haha. Just get a little out of the way, you can be sure they remember something.

Just one of me when someone’s been knocked on a day for 8 years. Daily ciffing doesn’t make any fun at some point, costs a lot (I probably smoked 30,000€) of money and you like to grind one or the other.

You’ll like it, I’m sure, but don’t try to slip into this daily consumption. Have fun and take iced tea and food;)

1 year ago
Reply to  Mensch741

That’s what he said.
Once the weekend with the guys is clear, but that shouldn’t happen daily!

And you’ll be expected if it works well very hungry and thirsty, so also remember it! 😀

1 year ago

Now I get a good idea to smoke

1 year ago

That’s right.
The spell is yes:
Alk on grass
Grass on Alk, this can only be Hulk! xD

So @Hum741
Don’t smoke. Snacks and drinks. And make sure it won’t be daily.

Have fun!)

1 year ago

And very importantly, in no case does smoking ^ It’s up to 90%. After smoking what to drink is funny unproblematic

1 year ago

Depends on how enlightened your parents are. Do they even know what grass is and how its effect is noticeable?

Cool it is natural to smoke a lot at once for the first time – but I advise you. My first box experience was psychologically very exhausting for me because the perception was suddenly so much changed/extended and so on. I smoked a pretty fat half dowel on lungs at the time, left the smoke much longer in it than in tipping. Was definitely too much, felt a journey of time made (thankfully it went to trauma in the past, my feeling of time was completely lost, an hour felt like an eternity). So: 2-3 trains, then wait for 10 minutes, then possibly aftersmoke or just don’t blow so much into the bag until you want to work normally with your parents. Slowly start, then you can also see how it’s banging. Some grass is not so violent and it is also different from person to person.

1 year ago
Reply to  mxxnlxght

The mother of my best friend actually knew absolutely not what grass is, we could smoke next to her on the terrace and for her was a big self-rotated cigarette. Was very funny then.

1 year ago
Reply to  SCIENCE0903


1 year ago

It’s crazy. She was never in contact with her life, film and TV she wasn’t like… For them it was a good smelling tip. That’s funny.

1 year ago

After that, you don’t even smell when you’re out anyway.

But it can also be that it doesn’t really “bang” at the 1st time, you should be aware of that.

Actually, after such a long time, no one should really notice it visually.

1 year ago

Kiffen has negative effects on your brain until it is fully developed (at 25). If your parents have experiences with it, they probably notice it. If not, then not

1 year ago

So my parents didn’t notice it at that time and I sat in a car at my first time (Also Hot Box).

1 year ago
Reply to  Mensch741

I didn’t react that much. Bisschen Schwindel was there and everything was funny, but after an hour it was also over:D