1 jahr warten nach augentropfen?

Ich bekomme eine Brille, weil ich schlecht sehe. Ich hatte ein Termin zur Kontrolle und musste in 6 Monaten ein Termin machen für Augentropfen. Jetzt muss ich 1 Jahr warten, um wieder zu kommen. Ist das normal?

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1 year ago

As economical as you are with information, it is difficult to answer your question 😉.

What eye drops do you mean? And what’s the glasses you’re getting to do with it?

If you think the ophthalmologist wants to see you back in a year for control: that would be a normal period if there is no illness in your eyes.

If the eye drops are not those which have been prescribed to you, but those which have been administered for the purpose of examining your eyes: see previous paragraph.

And why is this year too long for you? What do you want with the ophthalmologist?

1 year ago

Hello Laminat03,

it may be enough if you need 1x a year for pupil extension. The ophthalmologist will guess it right, after all, it was him who examined your eyes.

Of course, you also have the option to call and ask your ophthalmologist again.

1 year ago

Once an annual eye examination is actually quite normal! – In critical cases, the ophthalmologist calls you from himself shorter deadlines.