1 Jahr im ICE leben – fändet ihr das cool?
Habe soeben diese beiden Artikel gelesen.
Da geht es darum, dass ein 17 jähriger eine Bahncard für die 1.Klasse in ICEs hat und statt zuhause in ICEs lebt.
Tagsüber arbeitet er an einem “Home-Office Job” und guckt sich die Städte Deutschlands an.
Duschen tut er in Schwimmbädern.
Fändet ihr so ein Jahr im ICE auch mal cool – oder wäre das ein Alptraum für euch?
I could do that right now, until mid-August with my Interrail… and I’m very happy to travel by train. But not on these conditions, absolutely unimaginable for me. I really don’t find the ICE so comfortable.
Thank you very much for the star.
For a time certainly interesting. But not for a whole year
I would like to find this very cool, as I have a lot of travel and like to travel by train. One has seen a lot in every case this year and in places such as railway stations also much detested. So a year I can imagine but for longer it doesn’t necessarily have to;)
As a car rental kit, however, before
But only for a few days.
Never in life
If it’s only 1 year, I’d do it.
In the sleeper, maybe.