1. Frauenarzt termin kann mir bitte jemand die fragen beantworten?
bin 17
- Pille verschreiben lassen-> wird geguckt ob man schwanger ist davor?
- wenn ja,inwiefern also Schwangerschaftstest oder Ultraschall oder was sonst?
- Kann man fragen ob geguckt werden kann ob man überhaupt schwanger werden kann bei den gleichen Termin?
1. It is done a normal examination and an ultrasound, there would be a pregnancy from the 6th. Not a week.
Two. A test only on suspicion
3. The female doctor can’t determine if you are able to get pregnant or not without special examinations and procedures. You’d have to go to a clinic.
It is looked at whether everything is okay, we made an ultrasound and a smear. The smear is tested for diseases.
So if you don’t go with a special suspicion, you won’t look specifically.
And no pill without examination. You’ll have to bear it.
They ask you if you’re pregnant but don’t look for it. There is, of course, an investigation and one would recognize a pregnancy.
I think they’re asking if you’re pregnant