✨Welches Obst mögt ihr am liebsten✨?
Jetzt is ja wieder so langsam die Zeit,wo es wieder mehr Obstsorten🤩 gibt und deshalb würde ich mal gerne von euch wissen,welches Obst ihr von den aufgelisteten Obstsorten am meisten mögt.🤗🧡
Ich persönlich mag Erdbeeren am aller liebsten.🍓🍰
Ich freue mich sehr über eure Antworten!✨☺️
LG Maike^^
Raspberry is one of my favorite fruits 😻💗
Raspberry milkshake, raspberry smoothie, raspberry peel, raspberry ice cream, raspberry yogurt… all soo delicious!
(Fun Fact: in the survey, raspberries are exactly the emojis I use with most of my answers 😂😂: 💕✨)
That’s my ranking.
Best regards onecrazygirlxo 💕
I like blackberries. They are not so sweet, but also have a strong touch. They are also a little firmer.
Mostly I like strawberries and raspberries as the own garden, fresh from shrub.
Oh, great that you have something like that!!️
Yeah, I’m very happy about that.
Very nice!!!!!!!
I like all of it, only blackberries not sooo like
but cherries are just best!
Ps: I find the survey really beautifully designed!
my favorite fruit ;)…although it is often difficult to get to very, good, aromatic quality…which in the supermarket rarely good in taste unfortunately
I find all delicious, however, raspberries are my favorite!😍
Strawberries are best
And the smell divine 🍓🍓
Sealedly followed by raspberries, but actually I like to eat everything.
Has convinced me much Corona time
1 strawberries 2 blackberries
I love it.
I love strawberries over everything.
The strawberries and raspberries are optimal because they contain little sugar.
And I like the rest too.
Actually, I like everything
But strawberries I love everything